Monday, January 31, 2011

Every thing is here

Wahh , first time aku tulis tajuk cam uw . Usually ? aku tulis n0 title jer if byk sgt t0pic aku nk bincang . huhu .. First 0f all , demam aku dah nk sembuh , yeayy !! heppy tak heppy tak ?? *xder kaitan ngn k0rang . Tapi aku ?? wahh !! heppy giler ..

Sec0nd st0ry b0ut ?? yeayy !! kerja sch0ll ?? tak ader .. yess !! selamat . Unf0rtunately , i have t0 finish all my n0te . c0z ? bef0re , aku malas nk uat . Then ?? s0me0ne was call me . err , malas nk angkat ph0ne , lam keadaan malas aku jawab . bla bla bla , But ! 0ne thing that i d0nt want y0u talk 0r discuss with me again is , st0p remaind me b0ut sch0ol discipline . Like hell !! i kn0w that , erghh !! disiplin ketat gila . Wat's this ?? skul aku yg aku kenal bef0re n0t like that . Nih mesti budak2 ta ikut rules , same with me lar . H0w can I f0ll0w if it is t0o heavy f0r students . Gituh lar ginih lar .. Eee !! naik semak kepala aku nih . st0p think b0ut this .

Then ? pr0blem aku still n0t in the end . until when ?? yeahh !! aku sndiri tak tau gk . 0keyss ! sambil 0n , aku 0pen y0utube . tg0k ?? yeayy . Aku masih dara !! 2 kali d0h tg0k , tpi gk xpuwaf lagih . sedak terk !! t0uchim m0lek . 

Lepas maghrib ?? ph0ne berbunyi !! arghh ~ naik fedup aku ngn ph0ne . masuk mesej CelcomBonnus , dapat kredit 2 inggit . huhhh , heppy ?? n0 !! the stupid thing that I ever do bef0re . bg 0rang lain heppy lar kan dpt t04 free , aku ?? eeee . aku bnci lau masuk t04 free , mesti ad kene bayar tuh lar nih lar .. Actully , i was estranged fr0m ph0ne . y0u kn0w y ?? erghh !! c0z ?? aku nk idup aku cam blur , yeayy !! nk jadi cam idup stupid 0ne c0z ta perlu think b0ut paper .. imp0sible !!

Last . b0ut a girl wh0 dunn0 b0ut 0ther pe0ple feelim . I've never met a bad pers0n like y0u bef0re .  i dunn0 why , always jaga tepi kain 0rang . tapi dia sendiri ?? kain senget sebelah . sama cam 0tak hang yang senget tuh !! did i care b0ut y0u ?? n0 rite ?? s0 !! g0 ahead , st0p g0ssip b0ut me 0keyh ?? unlike !! 0keyh ! chill .. huff  , m0ody terus ader 0rang cam nih .. l0ok like an evil !! erghh !!

Terima Kasih . . Datang Lagi

Thanks For Reading . ILY !!

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